Please vote "G" for me in the Election on:

November 3rd, 2009.
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 Everton Wilson Biography

 Hello, my name is Everton Wilson. I, like many stories you have heard, embody the American dream. I believe in people and a better tomorrow. If someone with a top caliber education, years of experience at the highest levels of business solving complicated problems, and a fresh approach to the concerns of Hoboken, interests you, then please call me so we can talk about how to keep Hoboken as the best kept secret in the world.

I am currently a PhD candidate at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, and have a Masters and a Bachelors from New York University. I also completed my B.S. Magna Cum Laude in three years while maintaing three jobs. Prior to that, in the late 1980s, I worked as a Civil Engineer for ALCOA’s (Aluminum Company of America) operations in Clarendon, Jamaica. I was also the Hall Chairman of Canada Hall (the largest student residence) of the University of the West Indies from 1984-1985. I also happen to be a distant cousin of Jamaican Prime Minister, Bruce Golding through my mother.


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